Sunday, May 16, 2010

Class of 2023

Ashlyn had her Pre-K graduation last week. It's hard to believe my last baby is old enough to go off to school next year. She has grown up so much, and becoming quite the girly girl I always wanted.

She has learned so much this past year between school and learning at home with the letter of the week curriculum I used with both of the boys. She knows the days of the week, months of year, she knows how to write both uppercase and lowercase letters, and the sounds they make, she can just about count to 100, with a little help remembering which 10's comes next, she can write both her first and last names, her brothers names and mom and dad. She is even starting to sound words out trying to spell on her own. She draws with detail, adding hands, feet, shoes, clothes and even hairbows! ( That's my girl!) And she knows how to hold and use scissors properly, cutting on the lines. I think she is more than ready for kindergarten next year.

Her school at our church, did a very nice graduation program. They lead the pledge of allegiance for everyone, sang a few songs they learned in school this year, got to walk across the stage to receive a bible and diploma, and watch a slide show with all of the children's pictures from their last 5 years of life. Below are pictures from the big day.

Doesn't she look so proud and excited for her big day?!

Ashlyn and her classmates all dressed up for their ceremony.

Ashlyn's teacher, Mrs. Jennifer, handing Ashlyn her bible and diploma.

Ashlyn showing her dress off (I guess), on stage before she sang her songs.

I love this picture! You can see her beautiful freckles, beautiful smile and dimples, and her beautiful red hair. She is the most beautiful little girl I know, in my opinion at least :)

Ashlyn eating her graduation cookie in her classroom after the ceremony.

Ashlyn and her friend, Ellie. They became quite the BFF's this year at school.

All the red headed girls, Alexandra, Marley and Ashlyn, ended up in the same class this year. Such beautiful sweet girls.

Ashlyn showing off her diploma and bible she received from graduating pre-k.

It's bitter sweet. My baby girl will be going to kindergarten next year and I will miss having her at home. On the other hand, I'm so proud of the little girl she has become and all that she has learned this year. I will miss her preschool years but I look forward to all the fun and memorable milestones she will reach as she grows up and eventually leaves our nest to go off on her own. 2023 will come fast enough, I can't even imagine what that year will be like. I love you Ashlyn!

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