Since my part-time job is over for the school year, I decided to take advantage of it and invite one of Ashlyn's friends, Brooklyn, from church for a full day of fun with us. We started our day off at the park. I am ashamed to say, that I don't think I have taken Ashlyn to the park since we had her birthday party last year. I mentioned taking the kids several times last summer when the boys were out of school, but they always moaned and groaned that it was boring, so we never went. Then the school year began and I started a part-time job, that even though it was only part time, that meant I had to cram 5 days of house work and errands into 2 1/2 days because Ashlyn's dance took over half a day on Mondays. So, no more time for fun on my days off.
The girls were more than ready for a fun time, so off they went, as fast as they could!
Ashlyn's favorite thing to do is swing. So that was the first thing they did. She is always telling me that our church's playground is not good, because they don't have swings.
Those slides are just too much fun, aren't they?
Ashlyn didn't think she could climb up this way, and was a little nervous about it. I asked, Brooklyn, if she would climb up first so that Ashlyn could see how to do it. Brooklyn also talked Ashlyn through it and encouraged her... what a sweet friend.
There is nothing like a good 'ol tire swing! Getting to swing and spin with a friend along for the ride is the BEST!
Time to re-hydrate after all of that play time. Playing is a lot of work.
The girls wanted to take a walk on the trail after they decided they were done with the playground. Such beautiful trees! I love big beautiful trees.
The girls found another playground while on our walk. I loved those spider web looking jungle gyms when I was a kid. So much fun to climb on.... I wonder why they don't have those anymore at school playgrounds?
Such beautiful, sweet girls. They had a blast together at the park!
After we played at the park, it was lunch time. I let the girls decide where we would go for lunch, and they chose Chik-fil-a... great choice! After lunch we came back to the house, where they played, made cards, went outside and took turns riding Ashlyn's bike and scooter. By the time the boys got home from school, it was time for Brooklyn to go back home.
I think Ashlyn had a great day with a great friend! Looking forward to the next fun day we can plan with another great friend. So glad they had a good time, it's always nice when Ashlyn can find friends that she gets along with so well, it makes things so much more fun.
Your time is almost up.
2 weeks ago
these are GREAT, jes!!!! they look so good!
Thanks! Your becoming a wonderful personal cheerleader :) lol I like it.
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