I am a boy mom. I have 2 boys. Which is weird for me, I never imagined myself with boys. Never knew anything about boys. I grew up an only child, so no brother. All of my friends in the neighborhood were girls and I didn't grow up with any boy cousins. I really feel like I'm wingin it all the time with my boys. They are a foreign world to me. I am not competitive. I don't like sports. And who likes to get dirty? Now I can relate with them on being outside. I loved to play outside as a kid, and I still like to be outside as an adult as long as it's not too hot. And I had a love for frogs, lizards and turtles! I still pull over on the side of the road if I see a turtle crawling across it. But it seems there are so many other things about boys that I don't understand. Girl drama I can handle but boy drama is weird to me. Why do boys want to get so physical with one another? Why do they pick on one another and threaten to cause harm to one another? Why would they even want to put themselves into a position that might cause themselves physical pain? All this comes to mind because the days of fighting have begun with my boys. Although I don't think they have actually gotten into a fight with someone else besides their brother, I have seen their peers fighting after school and they have talked about someone threatening them to a fight. This morning actually my younger son cried b/c a boy who I thought was his friend apparently has been picking on him. But then his older brother speaks up and tells us of some of the things his younger brother has done or said to the other boy. So it sounds to me like they have just been egging each other on. Which is weird to me b/c they used to play a lot. Boy drama. I haven't figured out yet, what questions to ask and what digging around to do to figure out the truth of situations like these. How do you catch your kids in a lie? What words do I use to teach them how they should handle these kind of life lessons? I want them to handle things well and be able to hold their heads up high and show the love of God to their friends. I know God sent these boys to me for a specific reason. I have learned a lot from them but I feel like I haven't learned enough yet. By the time they are grown and on their own, then I'll have it figured out, right? This parenting thing is hard, and for me seems even harder with boys. I pray for these boys everyday, they they will grow in the love of the lord. That they will grow into strong christian men and they they will marry strong christian women. What I haven't figured out exactly yet is how to help teach and mold them into these strong christian men I so desire them to be. So for now, I will continue to pray for them, take them to church and teach them of God's expectations and love. I will try my best to teach them to handle things as well as Christ did. And hope I make it out of this parenting boys thing alive and stronger than I was before God blessed me with them.

perfect pics for this post!! sent you an email about your boy drama...and my boy drama. and the possibility that it's overlapping.
but, i guess you would've gotten that email before this comment, and i didn't really have to tell you that!!
Nikki, got your e-mail. I e-mailed you back. And what is your boy drama?
glad we were able to talk about it. glad we were able to help them work through it.
Very well said and very well written. I agree on all your acccounts. I was with all girls growing up too. The boy hair drama still perplexes me!
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